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Old Sheffield (Volume 1)

By Bob Harrison

Softcover108 pages
210mm x 210mm
ISBN - 978-1-874171-17-1
Barcode - 9781874171171

At a time when cameras were mostly used for holiday snaps, Bob Harrison used his to capture the Sheffield he knew. From Fargate in the sunshine to the Wicker in the snow, Bob's images take us back to the bustling, industrious Sheffield of the '60s and '70s – a famous old city that was changing fast. People and places both take a starring role in Bob Harrison’s evocative photographs, from the crowds of shoppers pouring down Haymarket to the precincts and playgrounds, the alleyways and terraces, that gave the city its unmistakeable sense of place. 

Take a trip back in time to a hard-edged Sheffield that was blazing a trail through the post-war world – a world of blackened old factories, gleaming new tower blocks, and proud Sheffielders with the future in their sights.

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